BASIX Certificates were introduced by the NSW Government in 2004 as a control / assessment tool / mechanism to help reduce the amount of water and energy use in residential dwellings.
The BASIX tool takes into consideration such things as:
- Building materials
- Insulation type, ‘R’ values and quantity
- Type of hot water system
- Window size, frame type and glazing
- Dwelling orientation
- Fixtures and fittings
- Over shadowing
- Heating & cooling systems
- Size of proposed rain water tank
- Use of indigenous garden species
- Lighting
- Alternative energy systems (Photovoltaic system)
- Ventilation
A new dwelling must meet pre-determined targets (scores) for water and energy use as well as maximum heating and cooling loads, as set down by the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. These targets differ depending on which climate zone you are in.